Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Anyone need to laugh?

If you want to feel good about your whole day, go into your closet, find your swimsuit and put it on. Walk out to your bathroom and look in the mirror. Nothing worse is going to happen to you all day.

Taken from "If You Can't Lose It, Decorate It" daily calendar by Anita Renfroe


This one really struck me funny because it is exactly how I have been feeling lately. I have just been complaining (especially in the last week) to my husband for how disgusting I look. Even though my husband tells me that I am beautiful...deep down I am not real sure if I believe him. My thoughts to his statements are; "You have to say that your my husband", or "He's just saying that to get 'lucky' tonight", etc. I would love to think that I am the only one that struggles with this but for some reason I don't think I am.

Ladies...we have to always be reminding ourselves that we ARE BEAUTIFUL! God created us in His own image...He made each one of us perfect! We are His princesses and daughters! So today...look in the mirror and smile because you are looking at a DROP DEAD GORGEOUS woman of God!

1 comment:

  1. It always helps me feel more beautiful to look at my children. Being as they are the most beautiful things on earth :)...and knowing that they are half me...I must be beautiful too right? You are darn right!
