Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1001 Things It Means To Be A Mom

* (Being a Mom) Being a mom means discussing with your husband how you want to raise your kids. Before you even have them.

* (Pregnant Moms) Being a mom means tearing up while cooking oatmeal. (Hormones are in play.)

*(Baby Moms) Being a mom means feeling terrified when you bring your baby home.

*(Toddler Moms) Being a mom means crawling around on your hands and knees to get your toddler's perspective of what she can grab off tables and stick in her mouth.

*(Moms of School Kids) Being a mom means memorizing the school locker combination because somebody in the family needs to know it.

*(Mom of Teens) Being a mom means being told, "I'm too old for this!" And knowing they're still too young.

*(Working Moms) Being a mom means deciding between career and family. And forever worrying if you chose right.

*(Single Moms) Being a single mom means deciding you don't have the time to make a new relationship work.

*(Moms and Money) Being a mom means having your kids beg you for money.

*(Moms and Difficult Issues) Being a mom means feeling lost when your child's behavioral problems are linked to a mental problem.

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