Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas is in 3 days!!!

I am so excited because Christmas is almost here!!! If you were at the MOPS Christmas Party you will know that this is one of my favorite times of the year; the day my Savior was born!!!

Often times though I know we can get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of everything and our focus of what Christmas is really all about can get lost. While I was on Facebook today one of my friends posted this song that is found on Youtube. WOW! I am going to give you the link and trust me it's worth taking the 4 minutes to listen to it.



Pizza n Project Night

Sorry that we don't have any pictures of our last outing. We had a camera but forgot to take pictures; we were just having so much fun to stop and think about pictures. There was a total of 7 of us there! I can't say that many projects were finished but that is because we decided that it would be much more fun to play Apples to Apples! We also had left over money from the pizza so we put that money ($12...every little bit counts) towards our scholarship fund for MOPS!

Thanks for the FUN evening ladies! Can't wait to see more of you tonight at the Cookie Decorating!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

One Heartbeat at a Time

Hey Everyone,

Tonight we had our Christmas Party and I had a BLAST!!!

We shared a song tonight with you to encourage you that you being a mom does make a difference. Here are some links for you to click onto to hear the song again.

For Steven Curtis Chapman explaining the song:

To listen to the entire song:

Love you girls!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Thank you Laci for this great survey idea. Everyone please post a comment and let us know your result to this question.

Where did all your Christmas cards get sent out to?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Items for Sale

We are selling the following items and wanted to offer it first to our MOPS moms ( feel free to pass on to whomever might be interested) before we Craigs List them..

1 Generation Next drop gate convertible crib. Converts to a toddler bed and you may also purchase a conversion kit later to convert it again to a full size bed.
Comes with a dual firmness crib mattress ( one side is firmer for the younger babies)
You can read about the crib features here: http://www.babysdream.com/Products/GenerationNext/Default.htm
wood color is similar to the Chestnut. We bought it brand new and used it for only one kid. ( there are some bite marks on the rail courtesy of Jonas)
Asking $200 OBO

Also selling

King size bed and nightstand set. from Ashley furniture.. good condition. Includes bed, mattress, box spring, and 2 nightstands ( with 3 drawers each). Cannot move out of our home until right after New Years (our replacement furniture will be delivered then) $200 OBO for the set.

Call me if you are interested.. can talk to me or Martin. (Please see MOPS directory for contact info)

Linda B.