Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fundraiser Update

Hey ladies,

Just want to remind you that we only have one more week left to sell as many coupons as we can! You still have a chance to get FREE pictures!! Remember, if you sell 10 or more coupons you will get the Memories Package which is $99.99 value for FREE or if you sell 20 or more will get the Treasures Package which is a $149.99 value for FREE!

Could everyone please email me how many they have sold as of now! I already know the count for those who already turned in their money and stuff.

We need to sell at least 75 coupons or the company WILL NOT come on Friday night. I know there are lots of people that have requested Friday picture times so it is crucial that we sell for sure that amount!

Any questions please contact me!!

Thought of the day...

"You can tell a lot about a woman by the purse she carries. You are what you carry."

Taken from the daily calendar of Anita Renfroe


When I first read this I was super excited! Only because I am that kind of girl that will notice the type of purse that you have. I absolutely love when ladies, woman and girls look adorable! I love accessories - well before I had my son, I can't really do a lot of jewelry now because he tends to yank and pull on them.

But then I really started to think about the quote; "You are what you carry". YIKES!!! I got to thinking about this baggage/"purse" that I carry around. What can people tell about me just by looking at my baggage? That is a scary thought for me.

So who's with me? Let's ditch the "purses" (baggage) and be FREE!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hey Everyone,

This is a friendly reminder to keep selling those tickets/coupons!!! The coupons are only $5 and they get a color 10x13 portrait of their family!!! Our goal is to sell 100 coupons so that we do not have to do a spring fundraiser!!! So far we are up to 44 tickets! I just know we can reach our goal.

Love ya
Tami Jo

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Game Night!!!

We had a great night playing games and enjoying each other's company! Because of our exciting game of Cranium, we now know the definitions of some creative words!!! Thanks to the ladies that brought toothsome snacks :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pink Day

Dear Friends and family,
October 06th has been designated as “Pink Day” at Pardeeville Area Schools in recognition of breast cancer awareness. All staff members and students at the schools are being encouraged to wear pink to show their support. The Village of Pardeeville Village Board has also shown support, too. Local businesses are being encouraged to "paint the town pink,"
The HS School Student Council will be selling “Breast Cancer Awareness” t-shirts. The shirts will have a Bulldog on the front, with a cancer ribbon in his mouth, and they will say “Pardeeville Bulldogs Take a Bite out of Breast Cancer”. The color of the shirts will be black. The cost of each t-shirt is $15.00, regardless of the size.
I am working with Mr. Lynch and the HS Student Council selling the t-shirts. If you or any of your co-workers would like to purchase a t-shirt please contact me direct.
The shirts will be done by October 1st and proceeds from the sale of the t-shirts will be a donated to a cancer organization that the Student Council will pick.
If anyone is interested in ordering a shirt for themselves or their family members, please email me their name, phone number, and the size of the shirt(s) by Friday September 18th. We don’t want anyone to feel left out if they want a shirt to wear on October 6th.
My email address is
Thank you for your support in making our first “PINK DAY” a HUGE success!
Carol Babcock, Pink Ribbon Angels volunteer

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Upcoming Events

Mom/Kids Day out: Thursday September 17th - 10:00 am at MacKenzie Center in Poynette

Mom/Kids Playdate: Friday September 18th - 10:00 am at Collipp Worden Park in Portage

Mom's Night Out: Friday September 18th - 6:00am Games & Munchies at Sarah K.'s

Monday, September 14, 2009

Survey of the day

Like art, like music, like so many other disciplines, prayer can only be appreciated when you actually spend time in it. Spending time with the Master will elevate your thinking. The more you pray, the more will be revealed. You will appreciate not only the greatness of prayer, but the greatness of God.

So walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. ~ Colossians 2:6-7 (NASB)

Taken from "Hand in Hand - prayers and blessings for families" daily calendar.


I thought it was so fitting that I read this today while sitting at my mom's computer (I still don't have internet at my new home...ooops). Just this morning I was reflecting, while making my bed, just how much my prayer life has changed since becoming a mom. When I was in High School my prayer time was when I would go to bed. I would lay in bed and pray; God and I had a lot of good times! Then I went to college and the school that I went to blocked out time for us to have our quiet time. Every morning I would be in the church praying and getting in His word. Then I became a mom! I no longer could have my quiet time when I laid down because I am so exhausted that as soon as my head hits that pillow...I am OUT! I no longer can have that "set in stone" time where it's blocked out for me to get into His word because there is a little one hanging at my knees. Now I find that my quiet times and prayers are when I am doing the dishes, folding the clothes, making my bed, preparing dinner, etc. I actually like this way the best! I find that in my past years it was a certain time that I would have conversations with my Maker but now it's ALL THE TIME! The moments may not be as long but they definitely are more frequent throughout the day.

How has your quiet time changed since becoming a mom?

Sunday, September 13, 2009


We have begun the kick-off for our new and exciting fundraiser for this year!!! If you have not yet heard anything about the fundraiser, please contact Shelly for further information.

Also, for everyone who sells 10 coupons/tickets by Thursday September 24th will receive a FREE package!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

FREE Money for MOPS

Hey Everyone,

I just found this out from our one and only Shelly!!!! I hope I explain this as clear as mud but if I don't please ask Shelly or I for further explanation.

At Pierces Grocery store you get a Pierce's card to get their specials. If you already have a card...GREAT! Just go to the customer service desk and ask to add MOPS as one of your organization. Then part of what you spend is donated to MOPS!!!! If you do not have a Pierce's card and shop there just sign up to get one and then add MOPS as your organization.

This is really exciting to me because it's a super easy way for us to raise money for MOPS!!!!

Love ya
Tami Jo

Thursday, September 10, 2009


There is an informal playdate scheduled for tomorrow (Friday the 11th). We are going to be meeting at Collip Warden park at 10:00 am for anyone who would like to come out and enjoy the weather!

Monday, September 7, 2009

MOPPETS Rotation

Good Afternoon!
I am pleased to announce that we will be having an addition room/rotation set up this year for your kids. We will be incorporating a Games and Freeplay room. It is my intent to have the children play outside during the warmer months (Sept; Oct; Nov (maybe); April; May). If you absolutely would not like your child to be outside during this time - please email me and we can arrange for some quiet indoor activities instead.
Faith, Hope and Love

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Snacks for MOPPETS

Good Morning Ladies!
We sure had a great time last night didn't we? It was exciting to see all the new and old faces!
With our first meeting behind us - and more registration forms turned in - I am still in need of your help.
As of right now we have ONE person signed up to bring in snacks for the MOPPETS. This mom has shared with me that she would not like to have to bring a snack for the entire year - and she shouldnt have to.
If THREE more of you could sign up - or email me - with an interest in helping out, then each lady would only be responsible for 2 snacks this year. And I've made it even easier this year as well - I have chosen easy and quick snacks that will coincide w the lesson for the mth. I would also like to add that if you are hesitant to bring a snack due to financial constraints, MOPPETS can reimburse you.
Please pray about helping MOPPETS. It is only through the help of each of us that make MOPPETS (and other areas in MOPS) possible. And remember many hands make little work!
Lets make this a great year and not leave the burden on only a few moms.
Thank you and please email me if you are interested in helping out with snack this year.
Faith Hope and Love

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mom in Need Praise!

Hey Everyone,

Recently we just had a MOPS mom that was in need. Many of you generously helped out; THANK YOU so much. I just got an email for her and this is what she said:

"I just wanted to send a big thank you to everyone for there generosity and prayers during this time of transition for myself and my boys. It has all been greatly felt and makes this time so much easier knowing you gals are there ready to help and in keeping my family in your thoughts and prayers."

Thanks again for supporting, loving and caring for your fellow MOPS mom/friends.