Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Even if you find your "soul mate", you will find that his "soul" will gladly let you fall into the toilet at 2 a.m. if you don't teach him proper seat etiquette. I am fairly sure I never heard that in any of the fairy tales I was told.

Taken from "If You Can't Lose It Decorate It" by Anita Renfroe daily calendar


I am still laughing at this; not just because it's funny but because it's so TRUE! Now be honest ladies...how many has this happened to? It has happened to me (however not because of my husband yet but growing up due to my brothers).

Monday, July 27, 2009


Hello Ladies!

Only about 7 more weeks till our 1st day meeting kicks off! Where did the summer go?

I am sending out a 2 for the price of 1 email. In preparing for our upcoming year - I need your help in the following areas:

** I have started my preliminary calling of last years volunteers. So far I have 4 that will for sure return. 3 have already said no thank you - and the rest I will be doing a follow up phone call this week. In order to have a successful MOPPETS year - I would like a roster of about 15 volunteers. We need about 9 each meeting - the rest would be back ups. If you know of anyone - your moms, aunts, gramas, church members, the neighbor lady - that would like to donate 2 hrs of their time ONCE a MONTH - please give me their phone number.

** I am still collecting and looking for gently used toys to replace the (gross) toys from previous years. Items to consider: Puzzles // Boy toys (We have plenty of cars) // Barbies w a few clothes // and anything that a 2 year old might like (I cant seem to remember what Elena played with - and that was only a year ago!!)

I know that for many of you - MOPS is still a long ways off, but your help in making this a great MOPPETS year is greatly appreciated!
Please EMAIL me - as I dont always have an opportunity to check the blog out.

Thanks- enjoy the rest of your summer!

Faith, Hope and Love


Monday, July 20, 2009

Verse of the Day

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb...You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. ~ Psalm 139:13,15-16 (NLT)


WOW! This just gives me goosebumps. Isn't God just plain AWESOME! To think that even though He controls the entire universe He cares about me so much that He knows EVERYTHING about me! Absolutely Incredible!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Early Registration

Only TWO more days left until early registration is up. Please turn in your completed Registration Forms along with your payment by this Thursday! After Thursday the price goes up. Don't miss it!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Prayer Request

This is an email from Lisa F.


A friend of mine just found out that their 13 yr old son, John, has a brain tumor located on the brain stem. He just had surgery to remove part of it and the family was told it is very rare for a child to develop this type of cancer. They also believe it is a secondary form of cancer and are doing tests to locate the primary souce within his body. Please say a prayer for the entire Link family.

Lisa F

Friday, July 10, 2009

Needing to borrow...

This is an email from Lisa Maddux.


Does anyone have a pick-up truck they would be willing to lend me (mostly my husband) for a day or part of a day? We have some various wood and stuff in our garage that we want to clear out and take to the dump, and we don't really have the right vehicle to do that. Let me know at jasonandlisamaddux@yahoo.com if this is something you'd be willing to help with. We have no particular time in mind.

Indian Agency House

Hands-On History Day on July 18. It's the same weekend as the Portage Downtown Arts Walk, so tell all your friends and come on out for an art-filled day!

The Historic Indian Agency House, outside of Portage, returns with another Hands-On History event on Saturday, July 18. In keeping with the museum’s 2009 focus on ceramics, this fun and educational program will concentrate on Early American and Native American pottery traditions. Participants will tour the Agency House to learn all about pottery on the Wisconsin frontier – where it came from, how it was made, and what it was used for – and then make their own clay pot using traditional Native American techniques. There are two sessions available, both with the same activities: 10 am to 12 pm, and 12 pm to 2 pm. Space is limited to 15 participants per session; registration is encouraged but not required. This event is recommended for children ages 6-15, but all are welcome. The cost of the event is $3 each, which includes the tour and all craft materials. We hope to see you there!

Please call 608-742-6362 with any question.
Anna Rusk
Historic Indian Agency House intern

Thursday, July 9, 2009

1001 Things It Means To Be A Mom

* (Being a Mom) Being a mom means being a role model.

* (Pregnant Moms) Being a mom means having an earthquake jolt your life.

* (Baby Moms) Being a mom means realizing the relationship between you and your husband has just changed.

* (Toddler Moms) Being a mom means questioning your existence, especially during those times when it's a hot summer day and your kids are screaming uncontrollable bloody chaos in their car seats, and the air conditioner is broken.

* (Moms of School Kids) Being a mom means worrying everyone in school is bigger than your child.

* (Moms of Teens) Being a mom means hearing other adults comment about how your teen is a great conversationalist.

* (Moms of Adult Kids) Being a mom means realizing your daughter's purse is more expensive than yours. And she's still in college.

* (Working Moms) Being a mom means learning what the Mommy Track means.

* (Single Moms) Being a single mom means wrestling with how to put your children first when you're in a new relationship.

* (Moms and Money) Being a mom means doing the math before returning to work. After child-care costs, commuting, taxes, and other expenses are tallied, you might not be earning as much as you think.

* (Moms and Difficult Issues) Being a mom means having your heart break when you realize your child is physically or mentally different from other kids. Yet, curiously, that difference makes you love them even more.

Taken from "1001 Things It Means to Be a Mom" by Harry H Harrison Jr.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Toys for Sale/Free

This is an email from Kendra L. Sounds like some great deals!


I have a train table for sale for $10. It is 3 feet by 4 feet and has two tilt out drawers to store the trains. It has a reversible top in that it can be a plain faux wood, or you can turn it over and it is decorated like a road I think. I tried to sell on Craig’s list but no one was serious about it. The table comes apart easily with an Allen wrench or can be moved as is. I need it out!

For free/giveaway: I have a set of 4 Mr. Potato Heads with all the parts. 2 of them are Stars Wars theme, the other two are regular. My kids just don’t use them anymore.
For Free: 1 small set of Lincoln Logs. This would be perfect for someone that has more of them. It is a small set, and was all we had so it wasn’t ever enough to do much with.

If anyone needs pictures or wants to check anything out…Please let me know.

Hugs, Kendra

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Princess...

You are my precious daughter!

You are a daughter of the King, and not just any king. You are My daughter, and I am the God of all heaven and earth. I'm delighted with you! You are the apple of My eye. You're Daddy's girl. Your earthly father may love and adore you, but his love is not perfect, no matter how great -or small- it is. Only My love is perfect...because I am Love. I formed your body. I fashioned your mind and soul. I know your personality, and I understand your needs and desires. I see your heartaches and disappointments, and I love you passinately and patiently. My child, I bought you with a price so that we could have an intimate relationship together for all eternity. Soon we will see each other face-to-face -Father and daughter- and you will experience the wonderful place I have prepared for you in paradise. Until then, fix your eyes on heaven, and walk closely with Me. You will know that -although I am God- My arms are not too big to hold you, My beloved daughter.

Your King and your Daddy in heaven

"And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." - 2 Corinthians 6:18

Taken from: "His Princess-Love letters from your King" by Sheri Rose Shepherd

Monday, July 6, 2009

Aubrey Update

I know God has heard the prayers that everyone has spoken for Aubrey. I just found out that she now has a website to keep you updated on her current status. The website is: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/abonnichsen I know Aubrey, her family and friends are and will be forever grateful for your prayers.


This is an email I received from a fellow mom; I hope someone can help her out!


We are looking for a very gently used double stroller for under $100. We don't have a lot of money to spend, but we have two children under the age of three and we have gone without one for too long:) Please feel free to call 608-566-1087 or email nhoward85@yahoo.com if you have one you would like to sell. Pictures would be very helpful. Thank you for you help!!
Nicole Howard

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Party

This email is from Andrea Muente...


Hey everyone...hope everyone is having a great summer! I would like to have a MOPS gathering at my house on Saturday July 25th from 11am-1pm. We are having a bounce house with slide, big sand box and play stuff and a pond if anyone wants to try fishing. I was thinking about doing a pot luck, if everyone can bring a dish to pass that would be great. I plan on having a large sub there and some drinks. Ann is taking care of the plates, silverware and cups. The party will continue past 1pm with our friends and family and everyone invited to stay longer if you want. Please let me know if you are able to make it by July 20th. Please call me at 608-393-3178 or you can email me. Hope to see everyone soon! Andrea Muente