Monday, July 27, 2009


Hello Ladies!

Only about 7 more weeks till our 1st day meeting kicks off! Where did the summer go?

I am sending out a 2 for the price of 1 email. In preparing for our upcoming year - I need your help in the following areas:

** I have started my preliminary calling of last years volunteers. So far I have 4 that will for sure return. 3 have already said no thank you - and the rest I will be doing a follow up phone call this week. In order to have a successful MOPPETS year - I would like a roster of about 15 volunteers. We need about 9 each meeting - the rest would be back ups. If you know of anyone - your moms, aunts, gramas, church members, the neighbor lady - that would like to donate 2 hrs of their time ONCE a MONTH - please give me their phone number.

** I am still collecting and looking for gently used toys to replace the (gross) toys from previous years. Items to consider: Puzzles // Boy toys (We have plenty of cars) // Barbies w a few clothes // and anything that a 2 year old might like (I cant seem to remember what Elena played with - and that was only a year ago!!)

I know that for many of you - MOPS is still a long ways off, but your help in making this a great MOPPETS year is greatly appreciated!
Please EMAIL me - as I dont always have an opportunity to check the blog out.

Thanks- enjoy the rest of your summer!

Faith, Hope and Love


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