Thursday, July 9, 2009

1001 Things It Means To Be A Mom

* (Being a Mom) Being a mom means being a role model.

* (Pregnant Moms) Being a mom means having an earthquake jolt your life.

* (Baby Moms) Being a mom means realizing the relationship between you and your husband has just changed.

* (Toddler Moms) Being a mom means questioning your existence, especially during those times when it's a hot summer day and your kids are screaming uncontrollable bloody chaos in their car seats, and the air conditioner is broken.

* (Moms of School Kids) Being a mom means worrying everyone in school is bigger than your child.

* (Moms of Teens) Being a mom means hearing other adults comment about how your teen is a great conversationalist.

* (Moms of Adult Kids) Being a mom means realizing your daughter's purse is more expensive than yours. And she's still in college.

* (Working Moms) Being a mom means learning what the Mommy Track means.

* (Single Moms) Being a single mom means wrestling with how to put your children first when you're in a new relationship.

* (Moms and Money) Being a mom means doing the math before returning to work. After child-care costs, commuting, taxes, and other expenses are tallied, you might not be earning as much as you think.

* (Moms and Difficult Issues) Being a mom means having your heart break when you realize your child is physically or mentally different from other kids. Yet, curiously, that difference makes you love them even more.

Taken from "1001 Things It Means to Be a Mom" by Harry H Harrison Jr.

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